2011年11月1日 星期二

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: send up

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]
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send up
Nov 1st 2011, 09:09

Verb: + ru translations

← Older revision Revision as of 09:09, 1 November 2011
Line 17: Line 17:
In sense 3, the passive form is much more common.
In sense 3, the passive form is much more common.
{{trans-top|to imitate someone or something for the purpose of satirical humour}}
* Russian: {{t|ru|передразнивать|tr=|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|ru|смешно изображать|tr=|sc=Cyrl}}
{{trans-top|to make prices or temperatures etc. rise}}
* Russian: {{t|ru|повышать|tr=|sc=Cyrl}}
{{trans-top|to be put in prison}}
* Russian: {{t|ru|приговорить к тюремному заключению|tr=|sc=Cyrl}}

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