2011年7月1日 星期五

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: User:Yair rand/uncategorized language sections/English

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]
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User:Yair rand/uncategorized language sections/English
1 Jul 2011, 9:47 pm

de: -1

← Older revision Revision as of 20:47, 1 July 2011
Line 1,565: Line 1,565:
* [[desponsation]] - [{{fullurl:desponsation}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[desponsation]] - [{{fullurl:desponsation}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[dessay]] - [{{fullurl:dessay}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[dessay]] - [{{fullurl:dessay}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[desugared]] - [{{fullurl:desugared}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[detassel]] - [{{fullurl:detassel}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[detassel]] - [{{fullurl:detassel}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[dette]] - [{{fullurl:dette}}?action=edit edit] - English
* [[dette]] - [{{fullurl:dette}}?action=edit edit] - English

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